On Tuesday this week, I was very fortunate to sit down with
Gareth Edwards, writer and director of
Monsters to discuss, well, pretty much everything! Yes, not only did we talk his groundbreaking independent film but he also gave me an update on his
Godzilla project at Warner Bros/Legendary after the Japanese tsunami and also told me that the Timur Bekmambetov produced film that he's writing and directing is still going full steam ahead. Gareth was so generous with his time and so informative that our 20 minute slot quickly became 35, and the other thing that became evidently clear from the off is that he's truly one of us, just another film geek, who, by his own admission, feels very lucky to be where he is now. I think we'd all agree that, following on from the success of Monsters, it would be no surprise to anyone to see him end up with a career with the longevity of someone like Ridley Scott, and it pleases me greatly to say that as such a decent bloke as Gareth deserves no less. Monsters is released on
DVD and
Blu-Ray in a couple of weeks and we'll be reviewing that closer to the time, but if the directors commentary is as good as the interview he gave us here, then it's something certainly to look forward to. It really is a must listen for Monsters fans and any aspiring film-makers out there. Joining me at the round table was Eion from Multimediamouth.com and Sam from The Hollywood News.