Avatar: 5 Things We Want From The Upcoming Sequels

3. History Of Human Exploration On Pandora

Parker By the time the first film starts, we find the unobtanium mining effort by the humans has already gone sour and relations with the Na'vi are by no means civil. But the first film also hints at an extensive amount of time where relations between the two groups were much more productive and civil, particularly for Sigourney Weaver's character Grace Augustine, who had excellent relations with the Na'vi, taught them to speak English, and was campaigning for peace between the corporation and the natives. Naturally, this couldn't fill up a whole film and I wouldn't want it to, but perhaps it could work as part of a larger story; a section which could shed some light on the original arrival of the humans on Pandora and the original conflict that destroyed their relations with the Na'vi. Needless to say, the Na'vi probably weren't at fault when it happened, so even if it was just a small section to provide some background, I think a bit of history could be a valuable addition to the potential story for this sequel.

21 year old graduate living in the Liverpool area, passionate about video games, TV, films and other assorted nerdisms (and writing about them). Top notch barman but working towards starting a journalism Masters to turn my passions into profession.