Avengers 4: 10 Rumours We Know Are Bull

9. Thanos Regrets His Actions (And Undoes Them Himself)

Avengers Infinity War Thanos Gamora
Marvel Studios

The Rumour

For some reason, there's a school of thought that Thanos might take a lead from Inception and worry about becoming an old man filled with regret and will ultimately undo the snap on his own, without the heroes doing anything other than persuading him.

It's a romantic idea, of course, and it might fit that Thanos would be so torn up about having to kill Gamora that he'd change his mind, so you can sort of see why it's been tossed around a bit.

The Debunking

Romance aside, having Thanos simply turn his back on his ideology makes no sense. His whole gimmick is that he's determined to save the universe from itself, but also that he's a stubborn, egocentric maniac with a messiah complex. Everything we've been told about him flies in the face of the concept that he'd be sorry for his actions.

The most dangerous villain - as Marvel Studios have been increasingly aware - is a fundamentalist and that's Thanos' big pull. Throwing that out and also making the original Avengers basically redundant as superheroes would be catastrophically destructive.

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