Avengers 4: 10 Rumours We Know Are Bull

2. Silver Surfer Will Play A Key Role

Silver Surfer MCU

The Rumour

Silver Surfer is another iconic Marvel character who was a major part of the Infinity Saga in the comics, so he's been rumoured to appear in the films for a while now. That rumour was fed even more when it turned out that Metracritic had posted a cast list for Infinity War featuring Silver Surfer.

At that point, it was basically just accepted that he was coming.

The Debunking

No matter how hard you wish it, the Fox/Disney deal hasn't happened in time for anything to happen in Avengers 4. Character rights are not a simple thing to negotiate, even when there is express intent to sell a company and its assets and you can't just trample on the usual logistical requirements because the fans really want it to happen.

Also, there's no need for Silver Surfer at this point (apart from maybe as a stinger cameo, which is the ONLY feasible way it could happen, assuming the deal is finalised in time). He could herald the coming of Galactus, but honestly, it looks like Phase 4 is going all-in on Secret Invasion (or a variation), so Galactus would be jumping the shark.

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