Avengers 4: 9 Surprise Cameos That Could Still Happen

3. The Original Ant-Man And Wasp

Ant Man And The Wasp Michelle Pfeiffer
Marvel Studios

With the sequel to 2015's Ant-Man set to spotlight Michelle Pfeiffer's Janet van Dyne, speculation has run rampant that the character will make their way out of the Quantum Realm, and return to meet Hank and daughter Hope by its ending.

And though it's true that Michael Douglas' Pym has avoided donning the original Ant-Man costume since Paul Rudd's Scott Land assumed the mantle, who's to say that Janet's arrival won't spur the original Ant-Man to suit up once more?

Pfeiffer's involvement in Avengers 4 may or may not have been revealed by Sebastian Stan a few weeks back, and with the Avengers lacking in numbers after Thanos came good on his promise to wipe out half the universe, it makes sense to include all the size-changing heroes from that corner of the MCU - including, potentially, Laurence Fishburne's Golliath.

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Content Producer/Presenter

Resident movie guy at WhatCulture who used to be Comics Editor. Thinks John Carpenter is the best. Likes Hellboy a lot. Can usually be found talking about Dad Movies on his Twitter at @EwanRuinsThings.