Avengers 4: EVERY Major Rumour Ranked Worst To Best

9. Asgard Will Be Reborn On Earth

Asgard Thor
Marvel Studios

The Rumour

Having seen Asgard destroyed in Thor: Ragnarok and the new leader of the now nomadic people seemingly taking them to Earth to resettle (since "Asgard can be anywhere"), there's a rumour that we're going to see Thor do just that by the end of Avengers 4.

Even more of his people might have been killed off, but the Russos have confirmed that at least some Asgardians - including Valkyrie - escaped before Thanos blew up the ship. So they're going to need somewhere to go, and Earth is the suggested location.


Well, they can't just float around in escape pods forever, can they? Earth would seem a sensible option and it would follow the comics too since Asgard was eventually sited on Earth.

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