Avengers 4: Why Captain America NEEDS To Be Sent Back To The '40s

3. Cap's Age Of Ultron Vision

Captain America Vision Avengers Age Of Ultron
Marvel Studios

In Age Of Ultron, we see the first real display of Scarlet Witch's powers as she manipulates the Avengers by showing them visions to distract them. Initially, it seemed that she was actually showing them their greatest fears, but then that didn't quite fit as both Black Widow and Captain America both received visions of their past and Thor seemed to take his vision as a prophecy.

Ultimately, Thor's vision did turn out to be just that, with Heimdall predicting Hela's arrival and Asgard's destruction. So what if Scarlet Witch gave ALL of the Avengers a look at their future? She showed Tony Stark the end of the world and his team-mates dead, which happened in Infinity War; she showed Banner his loss of control over Hulk, which happened in Thor: Ragnarok and Infinity War; she showed Thor the coming of Ragnarok and she showed Black Widow that her dark origins would come back into play. Which they will when her stand-alone movie is finally released.

So what if Captain America's vision of his own past was in fact a prophecy that he would be heading back to the past? It wasn't anything to do with his greatest fears or his sense of longing, it was a literal projection of the next step of his arc. And it will happen just as surely as all of the others have.

And of course, that means Cap will ultimately get what he deserves: a genuinely happy ending...


WhatCulture's former COO, veteran writer and editor.