Avengers: Age Of Ultron - 10 Awesome Easter Eggs You'll Probably See

8. Wakanda

It's been confirmed that Africa is going to play some sort of role in Avengers: Age of Ultron, and with Black Panther's movie on the horizon (not to mention the character's confirmed appearance in Captain America: Civil War), it's far more likely going to be Wakanda that the sequel pays a visit to than Johannesburg. That doesn't mean T'Challa himself will show up, but some sort of reference to him and/or his city will no doubt make it into the final cut. For starters, the comic book version of Ultron is well-known for wanting to use Vibranium - the near indestructible material Cap's shield is made out of - to upgrade his form, while Ulysses Klaw is being played by Andy Serkis, and his introduction here will no doubt be to set up a larger role in 2018's Black Panther. In all honesty, chances are that Wakanda could actually end up being an integral part of the plot rather than just a simple Easter Egg.

Josh Wilding hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.