Avengers: Age Of Ultron: 10 Comic Book Adaptations It Will Set Up

8. Annihilation: Conquest

Marvel has a terrible habit of killing off villains who could be great given more screen time (see: Iron Monger, Malekith the Accursed, and Ronan the Accuser), but hopefully Ultron will manage to find a way out of Avengers: Age Of Ultron intact, even if it's just as a computer virus hidden away somewhere. If that is alluded to at all, this story would be perfect. Annihilation: Conquest saw Ultron head into outer space and take control of the Phalanx, a species of cybernetic creatures with a hive mentality. This led to the android battling it out with the Guardians Of The Galaxy and a number of cosmic heroes, a good storyline for the franchise's sequel, especially if it leads to an epic Thanos/Ultron team-up in Infinity War.

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