Avengers: Age Of Ultron - 10 Minor Marvel Characters That Will Appear

3. James Rhodes

Just before you think that Thor's supporting cast are the only ones getting a look-in for this new Avengers film, Joss Whedon has somehow also found room in his script for Iron Man's buddies to join in. Don Cheadle's Rhodey was also seen in those early Age Of Ultron trailers, helping his pal Tony Stark in his efforts to lift Thor's hammer. Even with both of their fancy robot gloves on, neither were worthy to wield Mjölnir. Anyway, poisoned SJW kool aid aside, it's nice to see Cheadle included on the official cast list. Again, that's no sign of how much screen time he'll get in the film - either as Colonel James Rhodes or by whatever alter-ego he's going by now in the suit. In the second Iron Man film it was the militaristic War Machine, before he went full propaganda as Iron Patriot in the third one. It'd be nice if he got involved with the main action in the new Avengers film, since he wasn't any help during the Battle Of New York for some reason. There's a chance he'll be at least tangentially involved, since the party scene he's present for in the trailers appears to be interrupted by the self-aware Ultron and a fleet of angry drones.

Tom Baker is the Comics Editor at WhatCulture! He's heard all the Doctor Who jokes, but not many about Randall and Hopkirk. He also blogs at http://communibearsilostate.wordpress.com/