Avengers: Age Of Ultron - 9 Important Things Hidden In The New Trailer

1. Ultron's Whole Back Story Hinted

So from the looks of, the Ultron in the Avengers sequel isn't going to be exactly the same as he is in the comics. Instead of being created by Hank Pym - who is going to make his first MCU appearance in Ant-Man, played by Michael Douglas - Tony Stark is the one who decides to play god with A.I. and then very much regret it. You may very well have been too dazzled by all the special effects and the silky tones of James Spader's voice during this new trailer to realise that Ultron basically lays out his origin story and evil plan: €œI was designed to save the world... people would look to the sky and see... hope. I'll take that from them first. There's only one path to peace: their extinction.€ So, first of all, he clearly wants to destroy the Avengers €œfrom the inside out€. But why does he wanna do that? Because he sees humanity as being the main threat to peace on Earth, so he decides we need to be eradicated. It makes a crazy kind of sense, huh? Can sort of see where he's coming from. Whether or not this leads to the Age Of Ultron seen in the comic book series - with the despotic ruler presiding over a world that's all but wiped of humanity, superheroes included, remains to be seen. But probably not, because these actors have contracts to fulfil, eh. What else is hidden in the latest Age Of Ultron trailer? Share any things you noticed down in the comments.

Tom Baker is the Comics Editor at WhatCulture! He's heard all the Doctor Who jokes, but not many about Randall and Hopkirk. He also blogs at http://communibearsilostate.wordpress.com/