Avengers: Age Of Ultron - 12 Things To Expect (That We Don't Know Already)

11. Falcon

After initially appearing to be a former military man who worked as a counsellor with people suffering from post-traumatic stress disorder, Sam Wilson was recruited by Captain America and Black Widow to assist them in taking down HYDRA. Donning his mechanical wingpack he became Falcon and helped to interrogate Jasper Sitwell, helped Steve Rogers to install three special chips that took away HYDRA's control over the Project Insight Helicarriers and participated in a final battle of his own - while Rogers was fighting the Winter Soldier - when he took on Brock Rumlow. At the end of the movie, he promised to follow Rogers wherever he went, initially in the search for the Winter Soldier - Rogers' former friend Bucky Barnes - and that makes it very likely that he'll appear in Age of Ultron as a new Avenger (or at least an ally of the titular team). That said, Anthony Mackie hasn't been listed among the cast, and therefore all we have is expectation rather than confirmation.

I'm a Tottenham Hotspur fan who loves comics and comic book movies.