Avengers: Age Of Ultron Trailer - 40 New Images You Need To See

34. Ultron Has Been In The Wars

It's a fair bet to assume that the film opens on a set-piece that allows Stark to unveil his drones - perhaps the mission that sees Quicksilver and Scarlet Witch busted out of the prisons they're still in at the Captain America: The Winter Soldier. Whatever that set-piece, clearly something went wrong, given the damage it appears Ultron has endured.

33. As It Destroys Another In A Heartbeat

"Fatality"? This is very much the film's allusion to the Frankenstein/Prometheus (no, not that one) narrative, that will see Ultron rise up to challenge his creator (and what he sees as Stark's other inferior creations). He is the morality tale that decries scientific over-reaching in a big way.

32. The Police Fire At An Unseen Threat

Although we can bet that without some of Cap's guidance they're just wasting bullets. Will they never learn?
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