Avengers: Endgame - 10 Biggest UNANSWERED Questions We Still Have

2. Did Bucky Know About Cap's Plans To Live In The Past?

Captain America The Winter Soldier Bucky Barnes
Marvel Studios

Another minor - yet-also-totally-worthwhile - talking point, is Cap's final interactions with Bucky and Falcon.

Personally I don't exactly think Cap just died on that bench at the close of the film, and I like to think the three of them went drinking or hung out a handful more times, but young Cap's last words to Bucky are a callback to their first film together.

An inverse of the "Don't do anything stupid until I get back"/"How can I? You're taking all the stupid with you" scene from The First Avenger, these are essentially Bucky's final words to his best friend.

The final shot Bucky gets is a nod of approval towards Falcon accepting the shield from old Cap, but it all begs the question: Is this level of solemnity and acceptance, because that referenced line is Bucky subtly saying goodbye to Cap beforehand?

It all leads to the biggest question in the whole movie...

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