Avengers: Endgame - 10 Things Marvel Don't Want You To Know

6. Thanos Gets A New Weapon

Infinity War Thanos Sword
Marvel Studios

The Spoiler

Despite the fact that he has the Infinity Gauntlet and thus the single most powerful weapon ever created, Thanos is coming to the second fight in Endgame with a whole new weapon. So maybe... just MAYBE... he doesn't get the Gauntlet at all.

How Do We Know?

The confirmation of the weapon comes courtesy of the Hasbro toy reveals, which show Thanos back in his battle armour that he abandoned at the end of Infinity War as a scarecrow. His action figure is also equipped with a badass double bladed mega-sword. Some rumours suggested it was going to be the Infinity Sword, but that's unlikely.

Still, it's pretty cool to see him getting a weaponry upgrade.


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