Avengers: Endgame - 20 Things We Learned From The Director's Commentary
14. The 2013 Asgard Scenes Were Shot 2 Years Before Release

Though the majority of Endgame was shot after Infinity War had been completed, a few scenes were actually rolled into Infinity War's principal photography for the sake of practicality.
The brief scenes taking place in 2013 Asgard as Thor and Rocket (Bradley Cooper) retrieve the Reality Stone were actually shot in Durham way back in April 2017, almost two years to the day that Endgame would finally hit cinemas.
For context, neither Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2 nor Spider-Man: Homecoming had yet been released when this scene was shot, and the fact that something so evidently spoilerific was filmed so far out without leaks making their way online is ludicrously impressive.