Avengers: Endgame - Everything That Changes If The Heroes Steal The Infinity Stones From The Past

11. No Battle Of New York (Coulson LIVES!, No Vulture)

Chitauri Avengers
Marvel Studios

Now, the Battle Of New York is something like that age -ld Baby Hitler question. If you had the capability, would you travel back in time to kill Hitler before he became the leader of the Third Reich? In MCU terms, if the heroes had the capability, would they go back in time to prevent the Battle?

When you think about it, the Battle was Ground Zero for the MCU as we know it. It impacted Tony Stark massively in terms of his PTSD, it led to SHIELD's formation of their clean-up division, it led to the Chitauri technology left on the battlefield being repurposed by the Tinkerer and more than anything, it informed the Sokovia Accords as one of the trigger events.

Without the Tesseract, Loki would have had no means to transport his Chitauri army to Earth, even if he had still allied with Thanos somehow. He would also not have had the Sceptre (assuming the Avengers somehow stole that from Thanos himself earlier too) so no subjugation of Erik Selvig and Hawkeye. In short, there simply wouldn't have been a mass-scale invasion or a means for Loki to enact his plan at all.

In terms of the aftermath, no Chitauri invasion means no salvaging and no Vulture, so Adrian Toomes could have just gone on to be Peter Parker's law-abiding father-in-law.

As an added bonus, that would mean that Agent Phil Coulson would never have been murdered. Again, The Avengers would probably have still happened, thanks to something else, but removing the Stones from their formation completely changes the course of their history.

Luckily, it seems that the Avengers will seek at least some of the Stones AFTER or during the Battle Of New York if set leaks are anything to go by, so this much has hopefully been averted.

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