Avengers: Endgame - Everything That Changes If The Heroes Steal The Infinity Stones From The Past

7. A Completely Different Vision

The Vision
Marvel Studios

As already established, Tony Stark would probably still have created Ultron even without the influence of Scarlet Witch, which would have led to the same Frankenstein-inspired story. Ultron would still have sought to surpass the achievements of his own creator with a Vision of perfection to be greater than humanity, but he would have been missing one key ingredient.

With the Mind Stone taken out of the equation (since HYDRA wouldn't have had it for Ultron to steal it from them), he would have had to seek a different power source for the android. There's no doubting he would have succeeded because he was a genius amalgamation of Tony Stark and Bruce Banner - with JARVIS rolled in for good measure - but his creation would not have been a magical robo-God. He might still have been powerful (as he was in the comics without the Mind Stone), but not on the same scale.

The powers he seems to get from the Stone are his ability to phase, his power blasts, his ability to manifest turtle-neck jumpers and pretty much anything that sets him apart from a normal android. His consciousness would also be completely different, putting his defection away from Ultron under threat too.

The biggest winner from all of this, of course, is James Rhodes. Without Scarlet Witch and Vision, he can't lose his ability to walk.

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