Avengers: Endgame - Everything That Changes If The Heroes Steal The Infinity Stones From The Past

5. The Collector's Collection Stays Intact

MCU The Collector Reality Stone
Marvel Studios

Some of the ramifications of the Stone's existence are a little less monumental than the others, but that doesn't mean they don't matter to SOMEONE.

Without the Power Stone coming into the possession of Peter Quill, it would never have made it to the Collector on Knowhere. If the Avengers somehow learn (presumably from Rocket) that the Orb was hidden on Morag and use that knowledge to travel there before Quill gets his hands on it, the Collector would never be able to show off the Stone's powers.

More importantly for him, his tragic assistant wouldn't have been able to take the opportunity to obliterate herself and his entire Collection after years of mistreatment. And Howard The Duck would remain in a cage and a mostly-ignored footnote in the pages of Marvel movie history.

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