Avengers: Endgame Trailer - 8 Small Details You Might Have Missed

1. The Title Card Is A Reverse Dusting

avengers endgame tony stark arc reactor vest top

It's safe to assume that Marvel pored over every detail in this trailer before releasing it, and it appears that even the main title card has a lot of different meanings behind it.

First off: it's animated exactly like a reverse dusting. It starts off with a lot of dust/rubble floating around a cracked letter "A", as seen in the image above. This rubble then slowly starts to come together, and is eventually fully formed.

Avengers Endgame
Marvel Studios

It's essentially the Avengers logo "reforming" itself, from a destroyed state. A hint that our dusted heroes will return, and the entire Avengers roster will unite to save the universe, perhaps?

Secondly, take a look at the actual "Avengers" text. It starts off very faint and ghost-like (again, see the first image), but becomes clearer and clearer as the frames tick by. This further adds to the resurrection/reformation imagery present, a theme that will surely be prevalent throughout the movie.

And lastly, the light purple colour scheme is a curious choice - it's the exact same colour as Thanos. Notice how the title card starts off with this bright purple light emanating from the background and dominating the entire scene, before the Avengers logo lands on top of it and makes it go dimmer, and dimmer, until it can barely be seen at all.

If that purple light is Thanos, then our heroes are gonna snuff it out.


So, how many times have you watched the Avengers: Endgame trailer? If you're not into double-digits, you're slacking. Share any additional details you've found in the comments below!

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WhoCulture Channel Manager/Doctor Who Editor at WhatCulture. Can confirm that bow ties are cool.