Avengers: Every Single Deleted Scene From Endgame & Infinity War

8. In The Trenches

Avengers Endgame Deleted Scene
Marvel Studios

Unquestionably the most confusing of all the deleted scenes, this one highlights the importance of reworking, rewriting and just reshoots in general.

A moment during the all-out war in which the team essentially takes a breather, it features condensed versions of multiple major scenes in the movie all thrown into one. And, in all honesty, it was a wise decision to rework it.

Not only does the fact that all of the major players disappear from battle for, like, 3 minutes seem a little far-fetched, none of the moments - especially the Tony Stark and Peter Parker reunion - carry the emotional gravity that the versions in the actual movie did.

Reshoots matter, folks.


Michael Patterson is an experienced writer with an affinity for all things film and TV. He may or may not have spent his childhood obsessing over WWE.