Avengers: Infinity War - 10 Biggest Moments Of Foreshadowing

10. The Quantum Realm (Ant-Man)

2015's Ant-Man introduced audiences to the Quantum Realm - an area of existence that is accessed by shrinking to subatomic size. It exists outside of the reality we know and, therefore, time moves differently and the things that effect that reality don't effect things in the Quantum Realm. Now, in the comic books, the Infinity Gauntlet is known to only work in the universe it was created. If indeed the Quantum Realm is considered to be a different universe to the reality in which the characters in the Marvel Cinematic Universe reside, the Infinity Gauntlet may not work on those inside it. Therefore, there are rumours that it could be the key to defeating Thanos. With that in mind, this early indication that such alternate realms exist could be foreshadowing how the heroes will win in the Infinity War. Even if another reality (i.e. not the Quantum Realm) is used to defeat Thanos in this way (such as sending him to one in which the Infinity Gauntlet won't work or help him to return), it is introducing audiences to that idea of alternate dimensions, planes, realities and universes.

I'm a Tottenham Hotspur fan who loves comics and comic book movies.