Avengers: Infinity War - 10 Characters Most Likely To Die

3. Iron Man

Captain America Civil War Tony Stark Robert Downey Jr.jpg

Robert Downey Jr. has had by far the most interesting tenure in the MCU to date, commanding fat stacks of cash for his part in popularising the franchise, all while refusing to confirm his involvement in a fourth Iron Man film.

Downey has Infinity War and the fourth Avengers film left on his current contract, but that doesn't mean Tony Stark isn't killed by Thanos in Infinity War and subsequently resurrected with the Eye of Agamotto in The Avengers 4.

In fact, dying and coming back to life might even give Stark the ultimate perspective he needs, that once Thanos is finally defeated in that movie, he retires and hands off the Iron Man mantle to a successor, neatly tying off his arc and allowing a new actor to become a new iteration of Iron Man.

Tony's death has the potential to be a huge, epoch-making moment for the MCU regardless of whether it's permanent or not, even if the idea of Downey no longer being in these movies will likely be terrifying to Marvel Studios' bean-counters.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.