Avengers: Infinity War - 10 Things That Must Happen In Part 1

6. Thanos Must Clash With The Collector - And Could Even Kill Him

The biggest threat to Thanos' plan pre-Avengers involvement is The Collector, Benicio del Toro's hilariously campy character who - like Thanos - has his eyes on the Infinity Stones. Marvel fans got their best glimpse of this character in Guardians of the Galaxy, of course, a movie which had the The Collector offering up the best explanation of the Stones and their inherent power thus far. Basically, you don't want a bad guy to bring them together, because it means the end of the universe as we know it and... well, you get the idea. Given that The Collector will probably have at least one Infinity Stone in his possession at the start of Part 1, it seems safe to assume that Thanos will come calling on this character in an attempt to take what he needs, and could even murder him in cold blood in the process - a sure-fire way to show audiences that Thanos is not kidding around in trying to get these stones, and that he's an immensely dangerous guy. Given Marvel's tendency to steer clear of killing characters off, however, chances are relatively slim - but you never know. It'd certainly be a powerful way to go about things.

Sam Hill is an ardent cinephile and has been writing about film professionally since 2008. He harbours a particular fondness for western and sci-fi movies.