Avengers: Infinity War - 10 Tricks Marvel Pulled On The Fans

8. "Tell Me His Name Again..."

Infinity War Hulk
Marvel Studios

Thanks to the way the Infinity War trailers were edited and spliced together, it's difficult to ascertain who is speaking to whom and how the scenes connect with one another.

Case in point, when Tony Stark says "Tell me his name again" amid Gamora's speech about Thanos and his genocidal ambitions, it immediately cuts back to the Guardians of the Galaxy member uttering the Mad Titan's name.

It's a very deliberate attempt to make it look as though Gamora is speaking to Stark and briefing him on Thanos's incoming invasion. From the trailers alone, anyone would think that the Guardians arrive on Earth to warn the Avengers that the Mad Titan is about to attack, which isn't how it plays out.

In the final cut, the two lines of dialogue are from different scenes. Stark is speaking to Bruce Banner in the wake of his encounter with Thanos in the opening scene, and Gamora's monologue comes from a later scene set aboard the Guardians ship.


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