Avengers: Infinity War - 11 Things That Definitely Won't Happen
7. Fox's Characters Being Introduced
An even bigger group of characters everyone is waiting to see in the MCU are those owned by 20th Century Fox, or in short the X-Men and Fantastic Four, along with their supporting players and villains.
While it's true that a deal between Disney and Fox is in the works, which would give Marvel the rights to those characters back, that isn't going to be completed anytime soon, so someone like Mister Fantastic or Wolverine popping up is impossible.
The most recent rumour is that Silver Surfer will be making an appearance, with claims that Curt Clendenin has been cast. Since Silver Surfer plays a big role against Thanos in the comic, it'd be nice and to see and all, but given the rights issues (not to mention this isn't a cameo you could quickly shoe-horn in) there's no chance of it actually happening.