Avengers: Infinity War - 14 Plot Hints You Might Have Missed
1. Thanos Wins At The End
There's been plenty of speculation that Infinity War will end on a sombre down-note, where the Avengers are unable to repel Thanos, and he delivers a devastating show of force that quite probably concludes the movie on a shocking cliffhanger.
This is supported by the synopsis for an upcoming MCU tie-in novel about Thanos' origins, Thanos - Titan Consumed, which will hit stores in November and is 100% canonical.
The synopsis reads, "Learn the origins of the most formidable foe the Avengers, the Guardians of the Galaxy, Doctor Strange, and Black Panther have ever faced—a foe whom even a group of remarkable people, pulled together to fight the battles nobody else could, will fail to stop."
"Fail to stop" sounds like a pretty blatant statement about how the movie ends. Whoever lives or dies, the movie's ending with Thanos coming out on top, and fans having to hold their breath for a year to see how it all resolves. Agony.
What do you make of these tantalising plot hints for Infinity War? Shout it out in the comments!