Avengers: Infinity War - 15 Last Minute Rumours You Must See
8. Vision (Somehow) Survives
The Rumour: Despite the long-standing expectation that Vision will be killed when the Mind Stone is removed from his head, perhaps we get another MCU swerve, and the removal of the stone merely transforms Vis into a fully-fledged human being.
How Likely Is It?: The trailers for Infinity War have shown Vision in human form, though this is most likely an attempt to hide him from Thanos. Stripping Vision of the Mind Stone is a perfect opportunity to cement Thanos' terrifying power, and it's impossible to believe he'd actually leave him alive, if Vision can even exist without the Mind Stone at all.
As long as Thanos acquires the Mind Stone by the end of Infinity War, Vision is toast. 2/10