Avengers: Infinity War - 15 Major Rumours You Need To See
2. Quicksilver May Return

The Rumour
That 4Chan leak again, and this time it confirmed that the supporting crew will feature the likes of Maria Hill, Wong, Forest Whitaker's Zuri, Loki, Odin and Quicksilver. You know, the dead guy from Avengers: Age Of Ultron...?
Rating: 2/10
There's only one possible way Quicksilver returns from the dead, and it's so bold and outrageous that it couldn't possibly be true. Which might be exactly what Marvel want us to think.
Scarlet Witch's arc is so far hinting vaguely at her following the House Of M storyline and losing her mind, forcing her into unthinkable action that changes reality to help her deal with her mourning. Already we've seen her struggle with the death of Quicksilver and her powers, and if Vision is indeed going to have to give up his head for Thanos to get his hands on the Mind Stone, she's going to take another major emotional hit again.
So just maybe she disassociates, creating herself a reality where neither of them died, and unwittingly destroying the Avengers at the same time? That would be a hell of a way to end the Infinity War films and spin off into Scarlet Witch's own story, but it's probably pretty unlikely right now.