Avengers: Infinity War - 15 Rumours That Were Utter Bull

1. Vision Survives

Avengers Infinity War Vision
Marvel Studios

The Rumour: Vision pretty much took the #1 spot on every single "most likely to die" list for Infinity War, and rightly so considering that he's the owner of the Mind Stone, which he presumably can't exist without.

However, there was a theory that maybe, just maybe, Vision would survive the film, with Thanos either failing to acquire the stone, or Vis finding a way to permanently transmute into human form independent of the trinket.

The Truth: Nope, Vision is toast. Thanos rips the Mind Stone from his head, leaving a desiccated, grey husk behind, and while Avengers 4 may very well undo this - though hopefully not - it was really just a foregone conclusion that he needed to die for the ending to have the impact that it did.

Did you believe any of these Infinity War rumours, or dismiss them immediately? Shout them out in the comments!


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.