Avengers: Infinity War - 35 Easter Eggs & References Explained

12. The Aliens & Alien References

Alien Chestburster
20th Century Fox

Just as he did in Captain America: Civil War, Spider-Man turns to his film fandom to help himself and his Avengers team-mates out of a pretty sticky situation. As he and Tony (and the Cape Of Levitation) try to rescue Doctor Strange from Ebony Maw'sg grip, Peter has an ingenious idea and asks Tony if he's ever "seen that really old movie, Aliens?"

He then borrows the sequence from that classic horror sci-fi by sucking Ebony Maw out of a breach in the ship's hull and allowing him to be frozen and die in the harsh environment of space.

And to reinforce the fact that Peter is clearly as a massive dork, he drops another reference to Alien slightly later, warning that if any aliens appear and try to lay aliens in his chest, he's won't be impressed. He basically then jumps out of his skin when he sees Mantis and worries that she's going to impregnate him with her eggs.


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