Avengers: Infinity War - 35 Easter Eggs & References Explained

10. Vormir

Vorm Star Stalker
Marvel Comics

After months of speculation, it turns out that every prediction about the location of the Soul Stone in Infinity War was wrong. It is revealed that the map was once seen by Gamora but then destroyed to keep it out of her father's hands, which Thanos finds out by torturing Nebula - something he basically does for fun in the comics.

Eventually, she reveals that the Stone is hidden on Vormir, which is a planet in the comics from the Kree Galaxy in the Heigentar star system, which is home of the Vorm - a lizard-like race of nocturnal aliens who have clashed with The Avengers in the comics.

Again, the name is mostly just used to remind comics fans that Marvel know what they're doing, without the direct links to the comic version of the planet.


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