Avengers: Infinity War - 35 Easter Eggs & References Explained

3. Thanos' Peaceful Ending

Thanos Farmer Infinity War
Marvel Comics

If the snap and the aftermath was a bold decision, the final shot before the credits is a huge f-you to the fans from Thanos. When he's asked earlier in the movie what he'll do once he's got the Stones and successfully wiped out half of existence he says he will finally stop and sit down to watch the sunrise. And that's precisely what we get to see at the end.

Despite the fact that he's just murdered half of every race, Thanos basically goes to sit on his porch to chill out, smiling to himself wistfully as if he's just completed some menial but satisfying task.

This mirrors the image of Thanos from the comics when he "retired" to live a quiet, introspective life on a distant, unnamed planet. Let's hope he doesn't have it that easy in the film.


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