Avengers: Infinity War - Every Character Confirmed So Far
16. Gamora

Confirmed By: Zoe Saldana spoke to MTV News at the Golden Globes confirming she's involved and that she hasn't yet seen a script:
“I don’t know when they’re gonna let me read it. I mean, I’m not looking forward to the five hours of green make-up, but every time I finally arrive on set I feel so happy and lucky to be there.”
Plot Predictions: If Nebula is going to have some daddy issues to resolve, then Gamora's are going to be even bigger, considering Thanos refers to her as his "favourite daughter". Given that she betrayed him and has all but vowed to try and kill him, there's going to be a hell of a family reunion at some point in Infinity War.
Quite how the Avengers are going to take to the revelation that she's Thans' "daughter" will be interesting to see, but we can probably expect her to prove her loyalty pretty swiftly.