Avengers: Infinity War - Every Character Ranked Worst To Best

34. Heimdall

Thor Heimdall
Marvel Studios

Ever since he made some pretty public comments about not enjoying playing Heimdall, it's felt like Idris Elba's days in the MCU have been numbered. He actually looked like he might be dead meat in Thor: Ragnarok, but Taika Waititi actually gave him something interesting to do as the head of the rebels and he made it through alive.

Unfortunately, just as the Warriors Three were dealt with as left over loose ends in the opening act of Ragnarok, Heimdall is similarly bumped off at the start of Infinity War. Sure, he gets the chance to help Hulk escape and warn the Avengers of Thanos' impending invasion, but that just makes him a handy plot device rather than a fully realised character.

33. Shuri

Black Panther Shuri
Marvel Studios

One of Black Panther's MVPs, Shuri is let down in Infinity War by a lack of screen-time. She's there to serve a purpose in her attempt to help remove the Mind Stone from Vision, but on reflection, she was always doomed to fail as the agenda with that story element was solely to ramp up the tension.

She gets a chance to bust Bruce Banner's balls a little, which is nice, but she's just not involved enough to really matter, which is emphasised when we don't even get to find out her fate when Thanos clicks.


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