Avengers: Infinity War - Official Infinity Stone Powers Revealed (And What They Mean)

1. The Mind Stone

Avengers Age Of Ultron Vision
Marvel Studios

Power: Create and alter consciousness

Item: The Sceptre/Vision


This is an interesting one as it seems to represent a bit of a retcon for the MCU. Initially, the Mind Stone was given other powers - like blasting people with energy in The Avengers and giving Vision all manner of superhuman powers when he's created in the sequel.

To broadly call what he is able to do "altering consciousness" is a little disingenuous, but it is clear that Marvel didn't define the Stone well enough to begin with. This is far more fitting with the idea of the Stone controlling people (as we've seen already) and giving them powers (obviously altering consciousness is the same as genetic tinkering in the eyes of the MCU's head honchos).

Difference To Comics:

As in the MCU, the comics Mind Gem allows the user to access the thoughts and dreams of other beings, but in the comics, this can be expanded to a universal scale with the other Stones. All of the other abilities - like giving people powers - has been invented for the MCU (or at least stolen from the Power Stone, it seems).

The other specific difference is that the Mind Gem is literally the manifestation of the universal subconscious. Whatever that means.

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