Avengers: Infinity War - Power Ranking Every Character
8. Hulk

It still feels a lot like Hulk is going to be an unexpected part of Infinity War - as there have been lots of moments seeding him losing control, and the idea of him turnign against his friends thanks to Thanos' influence is an irresistible one. It would also follow Mark Ruffalo's promise of a "really interesting arc" for the character out of Thor: Ragnarok.
You know what you're getting with The Hulk, even if he's not aligned in an expected way. He's a bruiser and a blunt object - monstrously strong, disarmingly quick and capable of physical feats that are astonishing for someone his size. He might not have Banner's brains, but as batterign rams go, there are few better in all of comic book history.
Crucially, he's also pretty much invulnerable. There's been nothing so far that seems to get even close to killing him (though he can be knocked out), which means we're probably in for a clash of the Titans if he does stay good in Infinity War.