Avengers: Infinity War - Power Ranking Every Character

2. Vision

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Marvel Studios

Though he may have been turned into a polo neck wearing comedy figure in Civil War, it's key to remember that Vision might as well be the MCU's answer to Jesus - such are the limitless boundaries of his powers. He's a walking expression of an Infinity Stone in a robotic shell that can phase through things, appear in any form it wants, manipulate matter, shoot energy... If you can imagine it, there's a good chance Vision can do it.

He's vulnerable only because he has the Infinity Stone in question sited in the middle of his forehead - which Thanos will try and spoon out at some point - and because he has an emotional blindspot for Scarlet Witch, but in terms of pure power, there are few who could come close to rivalling him.

On top of that, he's basically the Internet - what with JARVIS as his brain - which is always a powerful thing to be in this day and age. Provided he doesn't get stuck down some sort of Reddit rabbithole in his own mind.


WhatCulture's former COO, veteran writer and editor.