Avengers: Infinity War - Predicting All 76 Characters

75. Nick Fury (Samuel L Jackson)

Nick Fury Winter Soldier
Marvel Studios

Status: Unconfirmed

He might have claimed he's not involved at all, but Samuel L Jackson's Nick Fury cannot stay fully underground with a world-ending threat on Earth and the Avengers in tatters. He's already sat out Civil War somewhat egregiously, so two global events in a row would just make him look sloppy.

Don't expect a great deal of screen-time for him - that should change for Avengers 4 - but no matter how hard anyone insists he's not involved, take it all with a pinch of salt. Even a post-credits sting to tease Captain Marvel would work.

74. Peter Parker/Spider-Man (Tom Holland)

Avengers Infinity War Spider-Man
Marvel Studios

Status: Confirmed

If the trailer is anything to go by Peter Parker will find himself thrust into the action of Thanos' invasion of Earth rather unwittingly after witnessing the arrival of one of the Black Order's ships while he's on the school bus (perhaps heading out on a

Expect him to be under threat a lot - he's a kid after all - and for his precarious position to be used to sell emotional impact (particularly in terms of stand-in big brother Tony Stark). At least he's got a shiny new suit (potentially with those extra Iron Spider arms, no less).

73. Aunt May (Marisa Tomei)

SpiderMan Homecoming Aunt May
Marvel Studios

Status: Unconfirmed

She's the least likely of the Spider-Man supporting cast, but given the way Peter's secret is revealed at the end of Spider-Man: Homecoming and him being in mortal peril in Infinity War, a cameo of some sort by his Aunt is inevitable.

We know Peter gets his new suit before he encounters Thanos' scout ship, because he's wearing it when he jumps onto it, so there must be some sort of establishing scene early in the movie when Tony Stark sends/gives him the suit. That would most likely happen at his home.


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