Avengers: Infinity War Trailer Breakdown - 31 Images You Need To See

16. Proxima Midnight

Avengers Infinity War Proxima Midnight
Marvel Studios

A new villainous character is introduced half-way through the trailer, as Proxima Midnight, Thanos' daughter and an extremely dangerous member of his elite Black Order, throws her spear into the darkness.

However, it's caught rather effortlessly by Captain America (though it's pretty tough to make him out due to the lighting), presumably as he makes his bada** debut during the movie's first act.

The blurry little we see of Proxima at least looks fantastic, and will hopefully cement her as one of the movie's most palpable threats.

Avengers Infinity War Captain America
Marvel Studios

15. "Get This Man A Shield"

Avengers Infinity War Captain America
Marvel Studios

As Thanos' attack unfolds, T'Challa can be heard instructing, "Evacuate the city, engage all defences...and get this man a shield."

At that moment, Cap steps out from the shadows, having just grabbed and presumably dropped Proxima's spear. Now we can see that Cap's not only kitted out in an all-black attire that couldn't be further from his traditional garb, but he's also sporting a sizeable beard, presumably because when you're on the run, facial grooming isn't a top priority.

It totally suits Cap, of course, and makes it clear that he's shed his previous clean-shaven image in favour of something much grittier. This beardy version of the superhero has already earned the nickname "Punished Cap" among fans, in reference to the Metal Gear Solid V character Punished Snake to which he bears an incredible resemblance.

Avengers Infinity War Black Panther
Marvel Studios

Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.