Baby Driver Film Theory: Debora Is Secretly A VILLAIN
4. Baby's Mummy Issues
Though Deb is presented as Baby's dream partner throughout the film, the con goes one level deeper when you consider the not-so-subtle Freudian aspect of Deb's manipulation.
The film occasionally explores Baby's past, where as a child he was involved in a car accident that killed his parents, giving him an especially rough case of tinnitus which he drowns out with music.
And it's surely no accident that Deb is framed in a maternal light so often throughout the film.
The first time Baby sees her, she's singing his name in a fashion not unlike his late mother, and Deb even bares a fair resemblance to her too (that is, blonde and pretty).
Further still, it's stated that Baby's mother used to work at the very same diner, and given that Deb very quickly initiates a dialogue with Baby about his mother after they first meet, it can't help but feel intentionally manipulative.
To seal the deal, Deb of course has her own dead mother to mourn, allowing the two to forge an easy kinship, despite the possibility that Deb has fabricated this story to emotionally ensnare Baby.
But to be clear, that doesn't mean Deb is entirely conniving and heartless, nor that she doesn't ultimately feel something for Baby...