Baby Driver Film Theory: Debora Is Secretly A VILLAIN

2. It Explains Doc's Sudden Change Of Heart

Baby Driver Doc Kevin Spacey

In the final 10 minutes of the movie, Baby begs Doc for help and, after initially refusing, ultimately decides to give him money and an escape route out of the country, while fending off some armed goons.

It's a character turn that feels pretty contrived, honestly, at least until you consider the possibility that Deb is working for Doc and perhaps means something more to him.

Doc only decides to help Baby after seeing him with Deb, resulting in him "catching a feeling".

But this isn't merely Doc wanting to help two love-birds, it's Doc wanting to do right by two of his loyal young employees, or in the case of Deb, possibly his niece or some similar relation.

That's right, Deb is probably Doc's niece. Given that Doc uses his nephew Samm (Brogan Hall) to help him stake out a bank earlier in the film, there's a precedent for him employing family to help with his misdeeds.

And seeing Deb together with Baby gives him that moment of realisation, that he has to help them. Doc even says, "I was in love once", implying that he knows exactly what they're going through.

Considering how comfortable Deb appears to be around violence and carnage, it's possible this isn't even the first assignment Doc has put her on.

But Doc and Deb being pre-acquainted, whether in employment or family, would explain why Doc makes an otherwise out-of-character swing towards benevolence.

And finally, there's one simple fact to consider - this is Edgar freakin' Wright we're talking about here...


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.