Bad Education Review: 5 Ups & 1 Down

1. It's Surprisingly Close To Reality

Bad Education movie

Whenever something's based on a true story, you often find yourself having to look up articles about the events that inspired the movie or show because so many liberties are taken with the source material. Bad Education is a rare exception in that regard because while there are moments that are, of course, altered, it's surprisingly close to reality.

The events and the order in which they took place were mostly true-to-life, as were the actions of everyone involved. Much like HBO's recent Chernobyl, certain changes were made to the timeline to keep things interesting and moving, unlike in real life where it took two years before ANYONE started investigating Tassone for corruption.

Although certain details like Tassone's sexuality and the nature of his marriage were components that the man himself took issue with, Bad Education is a legitimate means of teaching others about this scandal in a far more entertaining way than just reading about it on Wikipedia.


Gamer, movie lover, life-long supporter of Andrew Garfield's Spider-Man and Ben Affleck's Batman, you know the rest.