Bad Medicine: 5 Common Medical Myths Movies Always Get Wrong

2. Foreign Objects

When people are shot or stabbed in movies, the initial reaction everyone has is to get the knife or bullet out as fast as possible. And while a knife should probably eventually be removed, you'd be surprised at the number of bullets that have stayed lodged in someone's body, including their skull, causing no more than improved cell phone reception. In real life, you don't want to be unsheathing a knife deeply plunged into you while you're in the comfort of your own home. Though the blade itself has done its damage, now that it's in the body, you don't know what kind of additional havoc removing it may wreak. In fact, the weapon itself might be the very thing blocking a gushing artery from going buck-wild. It damages going in, damages going out. Tweaking around a knife embedded in you outside of an operating room is ill-advised.
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