1. Jack Nicholson as Jack Napier/The Joker in Batman
The casting of Jack Nicholson as the Joker in Batman is the definitive example of casting an actor simply because he resembles the part on the surface. While Nicholson's performance is beloved by many fans of Batman and the mainstream audience, the decision to cast him was too obvious and allows fans to wonder what if an actor had been cast to play the character who was more of a surprising choice such as the decision to cast Michael Keaton as Batman in the same film. While his natural acting abilities are amazing, as the Joker, Nicholson's traits in the film come across as expected and do not offer much in terms of being unpredictable in comparison to another actor who played the same character, the late Heath Ledger. Ledger's memorable portrayal of Batman's greatest adversary in The Dark Knight is not only a better performance than Nicholson's but it is a more accurate depiction of arguably the greatest comic book villain of all time and perhaps the greatest villain in all of fiction. The casting of Ledger was unexpected which allows the following question to be asked, should the same approach been taken before the decision was made to cast Nicholson in the 1989 film? The answer is yes because while taking into account that casting an actor or actress who may resemble the part is not necessarily a bad approach, on the other hand, there is nothing wrong with casting an actor or actress who fits the part but is also a bit of a surprise in terms of the casting choice. Neither way is wrong in terms of casting but the rewards are much greater and lasting when a casting choice is made that is unanticipated as it was with the casting of Heath Ledger to play the Joker in The Dark Knight. So what do you think of the 10 worst casting decisions in Batman films? Do you have any casting choices that did not make the list that you think should have? Sound off in the comments below!