Batmans bodysuit has developed in leaps and bounds over the decades. What began as a simple grey onesie-and-pants combo (with optional Adam West-style pencilled eyebrows) has blossomed into a fully
armed and operational battle suit, complete with more in-built tech than you can shake a utility belt at. And to think, at one stage, Michael Keaton could barely move his neck. Todays Batsuit features night-vision lenses, in-built AR screens, pulse-rate monitors (to tell when somebody is lying) and much more besides. Just don't mention the short-lived nipples. The Batsuit has literally hundreds of functions beyond protection, stealth and aiding The Batman when he gets stuck in the occasional inescapable death trap. In fact, it is arguably the most amazing weapon at The Dark Knights command, Batmobile included. All those medieval suits of armor and samurai paraphernalia that you see in the Batcave were influential to the suit's design, so it incorporates elements of the theatrical, the ceremonial and the practical to incredible success, and while the movies have moved towards being more aesthetically pleasing than functional, it's wrong to ignore what lies beneath the shiny surfaces. The Batsuit is, not to put too fine a point on it, the single most awesome superhero costume ever designed and here are seven of the coolest features that make it so...