6. The Blowgun
When all else fails, Batman isnt afraid to go low tech. As seen in Frank Miller & Dave Mazzucchellis Batman: Year One, the Dark Knight Detective actually has a blowgun in his boot, complete with three darts. The darts are tipped with anaconda venom (although anacondas are non-venomous, but whatever its a comic book!), enough to put a man to sleep for a day or so according to the Caped Crusader. He uses this technology again in the Matt Wagner series 'Faces'. By using the blowgun, Batman can strike henchmen from the shadows, quickly and quietly, without drawing attention to himself. Even when stripped of his utility belt, the Dark Knight is a dangerous man. Later on, Bats would develop poison-tipped darts that could be kept in his belt and thrown like Batarangs (Death in the Family, Consequences), but these darts havent been seen for some time now, which is something of a shame.