Batman: 75 Greatest Ever Moments

42. Skylight Entrance - Batman Forever

Often cited as the best scene in the "all right, but not actually very good" flick that is Batman Forever, the moment our hero crashes Two-Face's party - by smashing unannounced through a skylight, no less - actually provides Batfans with a genuinely cool moment in these otherwise very uncool movies... one made even more so by the Riddler's offhand comment to Two-Face. "Your entrance was good," he grins, before gesturing to Batman. "His was better." No sh*t.

41. Battle Of The Super Heroes! - Batman: The Brave & The Bold

The single greatest episode of the exceptional animation series pitted Batman against a Superman powered by red kryptonite in an overt reference to the climactic battle of The Dark Knight Returns.

40. Star Crossed Lovers - Hush

Before The Dark Knight made them lovers (without so much as a whiff of development) Bruce and Selina locked lips when the Bat saved his Cat from poison Ivy in Hush, before Batman is overcome with a dangerous urge to share, and reveals his secret identity.

39. The Joker Gets A New Old Face - "Death Of The Family"

Last year's event storyline Death Of The Family announced another Joker return, for the first time since he had had his face torn off in Detective Comics Issue #1. It's not often great villains are re-invented, but this new addition to the Joker's iconic design was a brilliant decision.

38. The Power Of Adaptability - JLA: "War Of The Worlds"

When Earth is attacked by a trio of Superman-powered aliens, with a weakness for fire, he ignites a circle of gasoline, and goads the aliens to fight him, besting them all, despite their ridiculous superiority.

37. The Joker Becomes The Clown At Midnight - Batman RIP

Having been apparently killed in Batman & Son, The Joker made a grand return as a darker, more than human villain, who not only tried to kill Harley Quinn, but also took down most of Black Glove's group who were intent on murdering Batman.

36. "Professor Stephen Hawking!" - JLA: "World War III"

When faced with the prospect of fighting Prometheus, whose programmed helmet can absorb and use all fighting styles in a trick that has beaten Batman to a pulp in the past, Batman trickily reprograms the helmet to adopt the fighting style of the renowned wheelchair-bound physicist.

WhatCulture's former COO, veteran writer and editor.