Battling for the distinction of Worst Batman Animated Film is the 2003 feature Mystery of the Batwoman, the third in a trio of films spun out from Batman: The Animated Series. Where The Batman vs. Dracula takes the cake for jarring indifference and sheer ridiculousness, Mystery of the Batwoman has another problem: it is impossibly, inescapably, unbearably, unbelievably boring. There are very few episodes of The Animated Series that are a chore to sit through Mystery of the Batwoman feels like a script written to be a weekly episode, one only meant to fill twenty minutes, and then someone decided to stretch it out into a feature-length tedium-fest. The revealing of the identity of the mysterious Batwoman is weak, and most viewers will see it coming from the first ten minutes. This serves to render Bruce Wayne as Incompetent Sap rather than Worlds Greatest Detective. Ninety minutes later, most will be wishing theyd used the time just watching old TAS episodes. The animation style in Mystery of the Batwoman is very much in keeping with that original series, but thats really where the favorable points begin and end.