Batman V Superman: 10 Big Questions We Still Have No Answers For

3. How Much Of Batman€™s Past And His Motivations Will Be Explored?

During the initial stages of the film's production, it has been stated that the film is essentially a Man Of Steel sequel and that Batman will only be a supporting character in it. Something's clearly changed, because it appears that there may be more Batman and Bruce Wayne in the film than initially thought. When the film was delayed from 2015 to early 2016, there was speculation that the delay was due to substantial rewrites in order to give more screen time to an on-point Batman. The trailers seem to reinforce this idea - the film will feature murder of Bruce's parents, what he was up to during the events of Man Of Steel, some elements of his past failures relating to Robin and the Joker, and how he seems to be haunted by being a vigilante. If Man Of Steel was any indication, featuring more Batman isn't the worst thing in the world.

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